Teke Power Figure collected by Robert Lehuard between 1924 and 1933, DRC
1st half 20th Century
Wood, organic material
29 x 8 x 6 cm
11 3/8 x 3 1/8 x 2 3/8 in
11 3/8 x 3 1/8 x 2 3/8 in
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Cette figure de pouvoir 'buti' a été collectée par Robert Lehuard entre 1924 et 1933 dans la région de Mpila. Son fils Raoul Lehuard décrit ce type de statue comme...
Cette figure de pouvoir "buti" a été collectée par Robert Lehuard entre 1924 et 1933 dans la région de Mpila. Son fils Raoul Lehuard décrit ce type de statue comme le Type 7 dans "Les Arts Bateke" p. 266. Outre la crête exceptionnelle à double pointe, le cou sculpté de manière atypique et la charge magique attachée à son dos, ce buti se distingue surtout par son expression faciale humaine réaliste. L'état est bon et correspond à son âge et à son utilisation. Usure, fissures et érosion autour du réceptacle central. Marques, éraflures, rayures, abrasions et petites ébréchures cohérentes avec l'âge et la manipulation rituelle. Très petites zones de dommages causés par les insectes et une patine brune exceptionnellement fine.
This “buti” power figure was collected by Robert Lehuard between 1924-1933 in the region of Mpila. His son Raoul Lehuard describes this type of statue as Type 7 in “Les Arts Bateke” p. 266.Apart from the exceptional double pointed crest, atypically sculptured neck and the magical charge attached to its back, this buti stands out, mostly, because of its realistic human facial expression. The condition is good and matches its age and use. Wear, cracking, and erosion around central receptacle. Marks, nicks, scratches, abrasions, and small chips consistent with age and ritual handling. Very minor areas of insect damage and an exceptionally fine brown patina.
This “buti” power figure was collected by Robert Lehuard between 1924-1933 in the region of Mpila. His son Raoul Lehuard describes this type of statue as Type 7 in “Les Arts Bateke” p. 266.Apart from the exceptional double pointed crest, atypically sculptured neck and the magical charge attached to its back, this buti stands out, mostly, because of its realistic human facial expression. The condition is good and matches its age and use. Wear, cracking, and erosion around central receptacle. Marks, nicks, scratches, abrasions, and small chips consistent with age and ritual handling. Very minor areas of insect damage and an exceptionally fine brown patina.
Collection Claude Lehuard, FranceAlain Lecomte, Paris
Belgian Private Collection