Spectandum loans 7 object to De Warande for the exhibition Hybrids

Spectandum is proud to be part of the new exhibition Hybrids (curated by Tom Liekens and Glenn Geerinck) currently on display at the Warande until November 17th. We share some objects that fit within the theme. In biology, hybrid means the same as the crossbreeding of two different species of plants or animals.


In addition to fantastic creatures from myths, fables, and legends, which are often hybrids composed of different animals, sometimes a mix of human and animal. Such creations appear in all cultures and are an immense source of inspiration for artists, films, books, and games.


The exhibition reveals the origins of these wondrous beings and how their meanings have changed over time. Artworks, archaeological and ethnographic artifacts are brought together with natural history objects and curiosities from around the world.

Juin 13, 2024